Updated on April 8, 2022

Request limits

The Monolito Movies API enforces rate limits to ensure fair and reliable access for all users. These rate limits are in place to prevent abuse, maintain system stability, and provide a seamless experience for everyone. Please review the following rate limiting policies:

Default Rate Limit

  • Requests Per Minute (RPM): 60 requests

The default rate limit allows each API key to make up to 60 requests per minute. If you exceed this limit, you will receive a 429 Too Many Requests status code. To avoid this, consider implementing rate-limiting mechanisms in your application or upgrading to a premium plan for higher limits.

Premium Plans

If you require a higher rate limit due to the demands of your application, we offer premium plans with increased limits. Premium plans provide the following rate limits:

  • Basic Plan:

    • RPM: 120 requests

    • Cost: $9.99/month

  • Pro Plan:

    • RPM: 300 requests

    • Cost: $19.99/month

  • Enterprise Plan:

    • Custom RPM: Contact us for details

To upgrade to a premium plan, visit our Premium Features section for more information and subscription details.

Rate Limit Headers

Each API response includes headers that provide information about your current rate limit status. These headers can help you monitor your API usage and avoid rate limit exceedances:

  • X-RateLimit-Limit: The total number of requests allowed per minute for your API key.

  • X-RateLimit-Remaining: The number of requests remaining in the current minute.

  • X-RateLimit-Reset: The time when the rate limit will reset, expressed in seconds since the Unix epoch.

For example, if you receive the following headers in the response:

X-RateLimit-Limit: 60
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 42
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1631658000

It means you have a limit of 60 requests per minute, and you have 42 requests remaining in the current minute. The rate limit will reset at the Unix timestamp 1631658000 (usually converted to a human-readable date and time).

Exceeding Rate Limits

If you exceed your rate limit, you will receive a 429 Too Many Requests response. To avoid rate limit issues, consider implementing rate limiting in your application and caching frequently requested data.