Updated on September 14, 2023
Featured movies
Discover the most popular movies of the week with the Monolito Movies API's "Featured Movies" query. This query allows you to retrieve a list of the top-rated movies that are currently trending.
To retrieve the featured movies (top movies of the week), make a GET request to the following endpoint:
Here's an example of how to make a GET request to retrieve the featured movies using JavaScript:
In this example, we use the fetch
function to make an HTTP GET request to the /movies/featured
endpoint, which will return a list of top-rated movies of the week.
The API will respond with a list of featured movies in JSON format. Each movie object includes details such as the movie's title, release date, genre, director, actors, plot, and rating.
Here's an example response with a list of featured movies:
Response Explanation
Each movie object in the response includes the following properties:
: The unique identifier of the movie.title
: The title of the movie.release_date
: The release date of the movie.genre
: An array of genres associated with the movie.director
: The director of the movie.actors
: An array of actors in the movie.plot
: A brief description of the movie's plot.rating
: The average user rating for the movie.
Explore the featured movies and discover the latest trending titles with the Monolito Movies API's "Featured Movies" query.